
Tuhfat Al Atfal Matn part 11 – Conclusion of the Tuḥfah

Tuhfat Al Atfal Matn part 11 - Conclusion of the Tuḥfah

Conclusion of the Tuḥfah   خاتمة التحفة

See:-> Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6 Part-7 Part-8 Part-9 Part-10

خاتمة التحفة

وَتَمَّ ذَا النَّظمُ بِحَمْـــــد الله               عَلَي تَمَامه بِـلا تَنَــاهِــــي

أَبْيَاتُهُ نَــدٌّ بدَاَ لِذِي النَّهَـــي              تَارِيخُهَا بـُشْريَ لِمَنْ يُتْقِنُـــهَا

ثُمَّ الصَّــلاةُ والسَّـــلامُ أَبَدَا              عَلَي خِتَـامِ الأَنْبيَاء أَحْمَــــدَاَ

واَلآلِ والصَّــــحْبِ وَكلُ تَابِعِ              وَكُلَّ قَـارئٍ وكُلَّ سَامِـــــعِ


TEXT: 58

وَتَمَّ ذَا النَّظمُ بِحَمْـــــد الله               عَلَي تَمَامه بِـلا تَنَــاهِــــي


َوَتَمَّ  – completed, ended
النَّظمُ – poem, text – referring to this book
بِحَمْـــــد الله  – with the praise of Allah
تَمَامه  – completion its
بِـلا   without
َ تَنَــاهِــــي –end
بِـلا تَنَــاهِــــي – without end i.e. continuous


58. And this text is completed with the continuous praise of Allah on its completion.


After explaining all the rules of tajwīd the author intended to explain, he now ends off his book praising and thanking Allah for its completion, since nothing can be accomplished except with the Will and Might of Allah.

TEXT: 59

أَبْيَاتُهُ نَــدٌّ بدَاَ لِذِي النَّهَـــي              تَارِيخُهَا بـُشْريَ لِمَنْ يُتْقِنُـــهَا


أَبْيَاتُهُ  – its verses
نَــدٌّ – incense, sweet or aromatic smell
نَــدٌّ بدَاَ – clear incense
لِذِي – for him who has / holds
النَّهَـــي  – intellect
تَارِيخُهَا – its date (of compilation).
بـُشْريَ  – glad tidings
لِمَنْ – for him
يُتْقِنُـــهَا– knows it / perfects it

بـُشْريَ لِمَنْ يُتْقِنُـــهَا – glad tidings to him who knows it

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59. Its verses are clear incense for him who has intellect. Its compilation is (holds) glad tidings for him who knows it.


The author likens the knowledge in this text to sweet incense. As a person derives enjoyment and fulfillment from sweet aromatic smells, he will similarly benefit by grasping the knowledge of this text.

Each letter in the Arabic alphabet carries a numerical value:


If the numerical value of all the letters of نَــدٌّ بدَاَ  is tallied, it reflects the number of lines in the poem:

ن + د +ب+ د + ا

1 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 50 = 61 (lines in the poem)

If the values in بـُشْريَ لِمَنْ يُتْقِنُـــهَا are added, it results in the date of compilation of this poem.


In some prints this line is the last verse of the poem.

What Is Tajweed ? Introduction and Tips


TEXT: 60

ثُمَّ الصَّــلاةُ والسَّـــلامُ أَبَدَا              عَلَي خِتَـامِ الأَنْبيَاء أَحْمَــــدَاَ


الصَّــلاةُ – salutations
والسَّـــلامُ  – peace
ِخِتَـامِ  – final – seal
الأَنْبيَاء – plural of النبى which means prophet
أَحْمَــــدَاَ – another name for the beloved messenger Muḥammad (PBUH)


60. Then salutations and peace always upon the seal of the Prophets, Aḥmad.

TEXT: 61

واَلآلِ والصَّــــحْبِ وَكلُ تَابِعِ              وَكُلَّ قَـارئٍ وكُلَّ سَامِـــــعِ


واَلآلِ – the family
والصَّــــحْبِ  – the companions
ِتَابِعِ – follower
قَـارئٍ  – reader / reciter
سَامِـــــعِ – listener


61. (As well as) the family (of the Prophet), the companions, and every follower, and every reader (of the Quran) and every listener (of the Quran).

Tuhfat Al Atfal Matn part 11 – Conclusion of the Tuḥfah

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