
Tuhfat Al Atfal Matn part 10 – The Types of Madd Lazim

Tuhfat Al Atfal Matn part 10 – The Types of Madd Lazim

The Types of Madd Lazim    أقسام المد اللازم

See:-> Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6 Part-7 Part-8 Part-9  Part-11

اقسام المد اللازم

واللازِمُ الحَرْفـــيُّ أَوَّلَ السُّورْ                وُجُودُهُ وَفِي ثَـمَانٍ انْحَصَـــرْ

يَجْمَعُهَا حُرُوفُ كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ                وَعَيْنُ ذُو وَجْهَيْنِ وَالـطُّولُ أخَصْ

وَمَا سِوَي الحَرْفِ الثُّلاثِي لا أَلِفْ                فمُدُّهُ مَــدّاً طَبِيعِيّــــاً أُلِفْ

وَذَاك أَيْضاً فِي فَوَاتِــحِ السُّوَرْ                فِي لَفْظِ حَيًّ طَاهِر قدِ انْحَصــَرْ

وَيَجْمَعُ الفَوَاتِحَ الأَرْبَــعْ عَشَرْ                صِلْهُ سُحَيْراً مَنْ قَطَعْك ذَا اشْتَهَرْ


TEXT: 53

واللازِمُ الحَرْفـــيُّ أَوَّلَ السُّورْ                وُجُودُهُ وَفِي ثَـمَانٍ انْحَصَـــرْ


واللازِمُ الحَرْفـــيُّ – referring to the madd lazim ḥarfī
َالسُّورْ – plural of surah; chapter of the Quran
أَوَّلَ السُّورْ  – the start / beginning of the surahs
وُجُودُهُ – its presence, is found
ثَـمَانٍ  – eight
انْحَصَـــرْ – confined / limited


53. And lazim Harfī is found at the beginning of the Surahs, and confined to eight letters.


As mentioned previously, Garfī refers to the ḥurūf al-Muqaṭṭaʿat. In this line the author states that they are only found at the beginning of (certain) surahs.

Lazim ḥarfī would include both Mukhaffaf and Muthaqqal.

Thereafter he mentions that lāzim ḥarfī is only found in eight letters. In the following line he explains further what these eight letters are.

TEXT: 54

يَجْمَعُهَا حُرُوفُ كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ                وَعَيْنُ ذُو وَجْهَيْنِ وَالـطُّولُ أخَصْ


يَجْمَعُهَا – gathers it/them (the eight letters)
كَـمْ  – how much
َعَسَلْ  – honey
نَقَصْ  – diminish, lessened, decreased
كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ – how much of the honey diminished ?
وَعَيْنُ  – the Ayn at the start of Surahs Maryam and Shurah – two options
ذُو وَجْهَيْنِ – holder of two options i.e. it may be read in two ways/with two options.
أخَصْ – preferred.

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54. The letters كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ gathers them (the eight letters) and the Ayn has two options, while Tul is preferred.


The eight letters in which lāzim harfī takes place can all be found in the code كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ

The kaf appears at the beginning of Surah Maryam كهيعص  It will be madd lazim Mukhaffaf.

The mīm appears in five different words in 17 various places: الم  (six times in the Quran), طسم – المر – المص ,  twice in the Qurʾān) and  (seven times in the Quran). The mīm will be madd lazim Mukhaffaf in all the places it appears.

The ʿayn is found at the start of Sūrahs Maryam – كهيعص   and Shura  عسق – حم   In both places it will be madd lazim Mukhaffa

The sin presents itself in five places: طسم  ظسم) at the start of Surahs al Shuʿara  and al-Qaṣaṣ), طس- يس – عسق

  • In the طسم the sin will be madd lazim Muthaqqal
  • In يس – طس ) during waṣl and waqf via the ṭarهq of the Shaṭibiyyah –  58)
  • In  عسق it will be madd lazim mukhaffaf.

Ṭul will be made in all these madds as mentioned previously under the statement: وصلا ووقفا بعد مد طولا

However, in the Ayn there are two options :Tul and Tawassuṭ. Most qurraʾ explain that what is mean by ذو وجهين

two options/ways) is Tul and Tawassuṭ. Of the two options, ṭul is preferred.

The Types of Madd Lazim

TEXT: 55

وَمَا سِوَي الحَرْفِ الثُّلاثِي لا أَلِفْ                فمُدُّهُ مَــدّاً طَبِيعِيّــــاً أُلِفْ


وَمَا  – and all
سِوَي  – besides, excluding
الحَرْفِ الثُّلاثِي – the tripled letters
لا أَلِفْ – not the alif i.e. besides / excluding the alif
فمُدُّهُ  – then its madd
مَــدّاً طَبِيعِيّــــاً  –  the natural madd. In some prints it appears as مَــدّاً طَبِيعِيّــى ـ  Both are allowed.61
أُلِفْ – is known as


55. And all besides the tripled letters, not (and besides) the Alif, then its madd is known to be madd ṭabīʿī


After discussing all the ḥuruf al-Muqaṭṭaʿāt, which consist of three letters, the author intends to discuss those ḥurūf al-Muqaṭṭaʿāt which do not consist of three letters

Thus he excludes the previously mentioned كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ  as they are all made up of three letters. He also excludes the Alif found in  الر – الم

etc. This is because the alif is also made up of three letters (أُلِفْ ) but no madd (pull) is made in it since the middle letter is not a letter of madd.

Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Part-1
An Nabr In Tajweed (The accent )

TEXT: 56

وَذَاك أَيْضاً فِي فَوَاتِــحِ السُّوَرْ                فِي لَفْظِ حَيًّ طَاهِر قدِ انْحَصــَرْ


وَذَاك  – those – that
فَوَاتِــحِ  – openings i.e. beginning
ٍُِحَيًّ طَاهِر  – a pure and clean life
قدِ  – verily


56. And those (letters) are also at the beginning of the sūrahs. In the expression حَيًّ طَاهِر  they are confined.


These madd Tabiʿi, which are found at the beginning of Surahs are contained in the combination حَيًّ طَاهِر  The ḥāʾ at the start of  حم The yāʾ from كهيعص And يس

The Taʾ appears in طه – طسم and طس 

  1. The Alif from the phrase حَيًّ طَاهِر  is excluded for two reasons:  madd ṭabīʿī is not made in it unlike the remaining five letters.
  2.  No Madd is possible in it due to the absence of a letter of Madd in it.

Therefore, in some prints instead of حَيًّ طَاهِر  one would find حَيًّ طَاهِر  َ) without the alif).

TEXT: 57

وَيَجْمَعُ الفَوَاتِحَ الأَرْبَــعْ عَشَرْ                صِلْهُ سُحَيْراً مَنْ قَطَعْك ذَا اشْتَهَرْ


الأَرْبَــعْ عَشَرْ  – fourteen
الفَوَاتِحَ الأَرْبَــعْ عَشَرْ – the fourteen openers
ُصِلْهُ  – join (ties) with him
سُحَيْراً – in the morning

مَنْ  – who
قَطَعْك  – cuts/severs (ties) with you
صِلْهُ سُحَيْراً مَنْ قَطَعْك – join (ties) in the morning with him who has cut (ties) with you
ذَا  – short for ذاُ which means this.
اشْتَهَرْ – popular


57. And (The words) صِلْهُ سُحَيْراً مَنْ قَطَعْك  gathers the fourteen openers; this (phrase) is well known (by the qurrāʾ).


The fourteen openers refer to the fourteen letters, which are found in the Huruf al-Muqaṭṭaat. These fourteen letters are easily remembered knowing by the  phrase : صِلْهُ سُحَيْراً مَنْ قَطَعْك  since all  fourteen letters can be found in it.

After understanding this, it is possible to say that the ḥurūf almuqaṭṭaʿāt can be divided into four different types:

  1. Those in which madd lazim is made, to the duration of Tul – كَـمْ عَسَلْ نَقَصْ
  2. those in which lazim is made, allowing tawassuṭ  and qaṣr  – also  ع
  3. those in which madd ṭabiʿ i is made –حَيًّ طَاهِر
  4. those in which no madd is made  الف


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