
Al Waqf And Ibtidaa part 3

Al waqf and Ibtidaa Part3

The stop and the start (Al-Waqf wa Al-Ibtidaa’) part-3     الوقف  والابتداء الجزء الثالث

See: Part 1 Part 2 part 4

The Optional Stop (الوقف الاختيارى)

The optional stop is divided into four categories:

1-The inclusive, complete waqf  (وقف تام)

2-The sufficient, permissible waqf (وقف كافى)

3-The reliable, accepted waqf  (وقف حسن)

4-The undesired, detested waqf (وقف  قبيح)

3-The reliable, accepted waqf  (وقف حسن)

The accepted, permissible waqf is that which is made on such a place where there is a connection between the sentences, before and after, both in word and meaning. However there is no corruption in the meaning.

Just as the other stops. It is called “hasan” or good due to the fact that stopping on it leads to understanding of a meaning.

⇒ The rule for the good stop: it is allowed to stop on it, but not allowed to start on what follows it due to its attachment to what follows grammatically and in meaning, except on the end of an Ayah. Stopping on the end of an Ayah is Sunnah.⇐


The reliable, accepted waqf

  • Examples;

-You can stop on the word هللا as the meaning in itself is fully understood

In the name of Allah –  بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ

The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. – الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

-But you cant start with what comes next due to its attachment to what follows grammatically and in meaning .

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4-The undesired, detested waqf (وقف  قبيح)

It is the stop on what does not give a correct meaning, and that is due to its strong attachment to what follows in grammar, and in meaning.

The rule for the repulsive stop: This stop not allowed intentionally. It is only allowed when compelled in such as a situation as unexpected shortness of breath, sneezing, or forgetting ⇐

After the state that compelled the stop has past, the reader then must repeat one, two, or more  words, as necessary to convey the correct and sound meaning.

  • Examples;

Stopping on       بِسْمِ          From        بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ

Stopping on      الْحَمْدُ     From      الْحَمْدُ لِلَّه

إِنَّمَا يَسْتَجِيبُ الَّذِينَ يَسْمَعُونَ وَالْمَوْتَى يَبْعَثُهُمُ اللَّهُ

Stopping on    وَالْمَوْتَى       Only those can accept who hear as for the dead . (6:36)

  • More Examples;

The undesired, detested waqf

Al-Waqf wa Al-IbtidaaStart Free Trial

  • Do not stop on a verb without its subject (the doer of the verb).
  • Do not stop on a subject of a verb without the object of the verb.
  • Do not stop on a preposition without the object of the preposition.
  • Do not stop on a possessive noun ( possessed ) without the possession expression ( the possessor ) / two nouns the second is the possessive of the first noun.
  • Do not stop on the subject of the nominal sentence without the predicate – a nominal sentence in Arabic has no verb.
  • Do not stop on a word with is characterized without that which characterizes it.
  • Do not stop on a conjunction without its conjoined noun.
  • Do not stop on a noun which is in a state ( or case) without the word which gives the state (accusative).
  • So not stop on a number ( count) without that which is being counted.
  • And don’t stop on an emphasized noun without the emphatic term.

The stop signs on words in the Madinah printing of the Quran.The stop signs on words

Very important note:

-There is no Waqf(stoppage) in the Quran that is obligatory or Forbidden Islamically except that which distorts the meaning  .

Will continue ….
See: Part 1  Part 2 part 4

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