
Rules Of Noon Saakin and Tanween

rules of noon saakin and tanween

Tajweed Course for beginner Part-3

Rules Of Noon Saakin and Tanween    أحكامَ النونَ الساكنةَ وَالتنوٌين

Noon Saakinah: is a Noon with no Harakah or with a Sukoon sign on it (without dammah, fatha, kasrah.)

– The noon sakinah have a sukoon on it or can be written with no vowel.

– Noon sakinah occurs in nouns and verbs in the middle or at the end of the word and occurs in preposition and       particles only at the end of the word.

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Tanween:- Is actually a noon Saakinah which comes at the end of the nouns. It is pronounced but not written as Noon Saakinah.

In other words:The Tanween is a term for extra noon sakinah not used for emphasis, found at the end of the nouns when continuing the reading but absent from the noun in the written form (noon of tanween pronounced not written)



Note: Tanween is basically nun sakin added to the end of the word. In continuous recitation, it is pronounced. However when pausing or stopping, the nun sakin is omitted and not pronounced (see table below and the chapter: Stopping on words).

Noon sakinah occurs in nouns and verbs in the middle or at the end of the word and occurs in preposition and particles only at the end of the word.

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There are four rules For Noon Saakinah and Tanween :

    1. Izhar Halqi     ألاظهار الحلقى
    2. Idgham       الادغام
    3. Iqlaab       الاقلاب
    4. Ikhfaa’ Haqiqi     الاخفاء الحقيقى

– Tuhfat Al Atfal Matn (Noon Sakinah&theTanween):

للنُّـون إنْ تَسكُــنْ وَللتَّنْــــوِينِ            أَرْبَـعُ أَحْكَـامٍ فَخُذْ تَبيِيِنـــي

للنُّـون  – for the noon
إنْ تَسكُــنْ –  when it has a Sukun; it is unvowelled or vowelless.
وَللتَّنْــــوِينِ – for the Tanween
أَرْبَـعُ  – four
أَحْكَـامٍ  – rules
فَ – so
خُذْ – take
تَبيِيِنـــي – my explanation


6. For the noon, when it has a Saakin, and for the Tanween there are four rules, so take my explanation (thereof).


The author mentions that there are four rules regarding the Noon Saakina and the Tanween  . In the lines that follow, he offers his explanation of these four rules:

  1. Al-ITH-HAAR(Al-HALIQEالإظهار الحلقى 
  2. Al-IDGHAM(NOON SAKINAH) الإدغام
  3. Al-IKHFAA’ AL-HAQIQI   الإخفاء الحقٌيقى
  4. Al-IQLAB(NOON SAKINAH) الإقلابَ

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