
Questions about Ramadan Month

The Muslim in the month of Ramadan

What is the meaning of Ramadan fasting ?

Fasting trains the will to avoid desires and keep away from sin; it helps a person to overcome his own nature and to wean himself away from his habits. It also trains a person to get used to being organized and punctual, which will solve the problem that many people have of being disorganized, if only they realized.

Fasting is also a demonstration of the unity of the Muslims, as the ummah fasts and breaks its fast at the same time.

Fasting also provides a great opportunity for those who are calling others to Allaah.

What is reword Siyaam (Fasting) of Ramadan month ?

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The reward of every good deed is multiplied by ten to seven hundred folds depending on one’s intention and sin- verity, but with respect to the reward of fasting, Allah proclaims : “Fasting is for me and I myself shall
bestow the reward.

Whoever fasts foregoing his desires of eating and drinking for My sake will be en- titled for two occasions of joy : one when he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Rub.

rules for Ramadan fasting

Evidence For Siyaam (Fasting) in Ramadan month ?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Islam is built on five [pillars]…” among which he mentioned fasting in Ramadan. Whoever breaks the fast during Ramadan without a legitimate excuse has
committed a serious major sin.

What is I’tikaf in Ramadan Month ?

The Prophet (PBUH), used to practice I’tikaf in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. And in the year in which he passed away, he practiced I’tikaf in the last twenty days of Ramadan. 3 I’tikaf is a way of worship that includes reciting the Holy Qur’an, additional prayers, praise of Allah, invocations, etc.

One might think that is difficult to practice, but the fact is that it is easy for a person who has a strong and true will.

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  1. Fasting of Ramadan is an obligatory duty for every adult and sane Muslim. Fasting is not obligatory on the Kaafir (disbeliever) and so it is not accepted from him until he becomes a Muslim. Fasting is not due for the young until they reach puberty.
  2. However, the young should be encouraged to fast if they can manage it without causing harm to themselves, so that they may grow up accustomed to it till they are of age to fast.
  3. The insane or the unconscious do not have to fast. For this reason, very old people who are not mentally alert are not expected to fast and need not offer food in return for not having fasted.
  • Sexual intercourse with one’s spouse. When a fasting person has intercourse, his fast is invalidated. If he has this intercourse during the daytime of Ramadan, then Kaffarah (atonement) will be imposed on him. In such a case, Kaffarah is one of the following things respectively
  • Ejaculation of semen as a result of touching, kissing or hugging one’s spouse. Kissing without ejaculation does not break the fast.
  • The intake of any kind of food or drink whether beneficial or even harmful.
  • Menstruation or post-natal bleeding invalidate the fast.
  • Vomiting intentionally, though natural vomiting does not affect the fast.
  • Taking out blood by scarification, by opening a vein or cupping. However, bleeding itself (such as nose-bleeding or that caused by extraction of a tooth) does not invalidate the fast.
  • Everything which is considered as a kind of eating or drinking may nullify fasting. For example, any dietary injection or drugs are not allowed. Otherwise, other kinds of injection are allowed during fasting,

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