

How To Approach and Understand the Qur'an

Book excerpt:

One of the specific features of the honorable Qur`an is that it is a Book that can be committed to memory.

In Arabic this process is termed Hifz ul-Qur’an and the person who memorizes the Qur’an in its entirety is referred to as Hāfiz ul-Quran, which could be translated as the guardian of the Qur’an. In Pakistan and other countries in the world the process of memorization of the Qur’an is termed Hifz and a person who commits the entire Qur’an to memory receives a noble title of Hafiz.

Have you ever asked yourself ?

  • Why does one memorize the Qur’an?
  • Who was the first Hafiz of the Qur’an?
  •  Do the people who have memorized the Qur`an possess some special characteristics?
  •  What are the obligations of the Hafiz towards the Qur`an and the Ummah ?
  •  How can one become a Hafiz and how much time does he/she require to accomplish that?
  •  Does the method of memorization in Pakistan differ from the method practiced in other parts of the world?
  • What are the advantages of our method of learning?
  • How does one retain everything he/she has memorized?
  •  What strengthens and what weakens the power of memory?
  • Is there a prayer or a particular Du’a that improves the power of memory?

The answers to these and many other questions, along with specific advices and examples, you will find on the pages of this book.

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