
Learn Arabic Course – Arabic pronouns part 2


Arabic pronouns part 2 الضمائر

Part 1 here:

Possessive Pronouns:

The word ( أيًا ) is prefixed to the Attached Pronouns. The word ( أيًا ) confines the meaning to ‘only/alone  ( إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ  ) You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help”[1/4]. For usage of Possessive Pronouns with ( أيًا ) see this Table:

Possessive Pronouns1


Concentrate on the underlined forms only in the beginning, and skip over the remaining forms as these are not frequently used in the Holy Quran.

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Demonstrative Pronouns (أسم الاشارة)

The demonstrative pronouns are listed below:

Demonstrative Pronouns


Concentrate on the underlined forms.

The Relative Pronouns ( ألاسم الموصول )

The relative pronouns (الذى – الذين ) etc. are used as conjunction, meaning ‘that, which, who, whom’. They serve the purpose of joining nouns/pronouns or verbs to other nouns or verbs. They have a definite form  Like:



  • الولد الذى خرج من المسجد طالب The boy who went out of the Mosque is a student.
  • الرجال الذى خرجوا من المسجد مدرسون The men who left the office are teachers.
  •  البنت التى خرجت من البيت طالبة ‘The girl who left the house is a student.
  • هُوَ اللَّهُ الَّذِي لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ “He is Allah, beside Whom la Ilaha illa Howa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)”. [59/293]

Interrogative Pronouns ( أسماء الاستفهام )

These are given below:

-(من ) Who (ما) What (أين) Where (كيف) How (متى ) When (كم)How Much (لماذا) For What(ماذا)  What (أنَى) Which (لم) Why

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