Students Rules:

  1. Fees should be paid monthly in advance .
  2. Fees are accepted through PayPal , Western Union & local transactions in USD .
  3. In case of sending fees in another currency like GBP , Sender to consider currency exchange fees .
  4. If need to re-schedule a class , student or parents should inform the concerned Quranmyway coordinator one hour before class time at least .
  5. In case of student absence without coordination with the concerned Quranmyway coordinator , class shall be paid without reschedule .
  6. If student logged in late less than 15 minutes to the class room, teacher will teach him ONLY the rest minutes of the class period.
  7. Teacher will leave the class room after 15 minutes of class time if student didn’t log in. Student will be assigned as absent. this class will be paid without reschedule.
  8. Only Quranmyway  coordinators are authorized to reschedule/cancel classes, so don’t reschedule/cancel the next class with the teacher during the current class .
  9. It is strictly prohibited to share any personal data with teachers “ eg. Email address , phone number …., etc. “ . it is your responsibility if you got in trouble because of that .
  10. If teacher requested any of your personal data , inform your concerned Quranmyway coordinator .
  11. Respecting Hijab rules , Quranmyway  female tutors are not forced to give video calling class .


  1. Classes stop only during the two holy Eids of muslims ( Eid al Fitr & Adha ) but the last ten nights of ramadan and the nine days of Zul-Hajja are working days .
  2. In case of leaving classes for some vacation trip or travelling , you should inform the concerned Quranmyway coordinator one week before leave date .

🕌 Ramadan Special Offer: 30% DISCOUNT on all courses for a limited time

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