- Quran, Quranmyway, Ten Qiraat
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Learn Ten Qiraat
With the top online instructors from Egypt, learn ten Qirat. This opportunity is made available to interested students via Quranmyway. Let’s give them 10 Qirat a brief introduction. Literally translated as “readings,”
The term “qira’at” in the Quran refers to the way the Holy Quran is recited. There are 10 acknowledged schools of qira’at, and according to tradition, each one gets its name from a well-known person who recites the Holy Quran. Before you sign up to learn the 10 Qirat online, you must understand what they are.
Correct Qiraat Conditions :
It is required in the correct Qiraat several things, which must be achieved all of them, and if any of them is disturbed, then the Qiraat is considered weak, void, or anomalous,
The conditions are:
- The consent of the Qira’a of the Arabic language, even in one way, as Qira’a is an established Sunnah, and it is required for it to accept the isnad, and there is no room for opinion in it.
- The consent of Qira’a to draw the Qur’an, and if it is a possibility, it is not required that all the Qurans agree, and it is sufficient if some of them agree to the Qira’a .
- The health of the isnad Since Qira’a is Sunnah, It is necessary to validate both the novel and isnad .
The reasons for the different Quranic Qiraat :
The agreement on multiplicity of Qiraat was mentioned, and it is worth noting that the difference with regard to what the Qur’an is likely to draw, and the scholars were of the opinion that what is meant by seven letters is seven dialects or ways of Qiraat ;
And that is in order to facilitate and facilitate, as the Muslims read what they learned without denying one to the other, and the Qira’a of each country varied according to the companions ’Qiraat ; As the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent to each country a Companion teaching the Qur’an and its rulings.
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