
Causes That Aid In The memorization of The Quran

Causes That Aid In The memorization of The Quran

Book excerpt:

Benefits of Memorising the Qur’aan

  • Indeed, reciting the Qur’aan and memorising it has benefits that cannot be counted so let us look around at these points of benefit so they can lead us and our children onto Hifdh al Qur’aan (memorisation of Qur’aan).
  • People of Qur’aan are a people of Exalted Rank People of Qur’aan are a people of Exalted Rank The Noble Qur’aan is the Word of Allaah which is not approached by falsehood neither from before it nor from behind it, and whoever is blessed by Allaah to recite it all or memorise it all, then that is the highest objective and the lofty rank that necks only stretch forth to attain.

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