Arabic is the language of the Qur’an (the Islamic holy book). It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, the Qur’an is unequivocally, undeniably and undoubtedly the greatest form of Arabic literature, and indeed the greatest form of literature, period.
Some Basic Vocabulary
General Conversation
Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
السلام عليكم as-salaam alaeikum peace be with you (formal greeting)
كيفِ حالك؟ keifa haaluk how are things? (formal)
ازيك e-zayyak what’s up? (informal)
الحمد لله al-hamdu lillah praise God (formal answer)
أنا بخير ana bi kheir I’m good (formal answer)
تمام – كله تمام tamaam / Kullu tamaam everything’s good (informal answer)
كويس q-wayyis fine / pretty good (informal answer)
شوِأخبارِ العمل؟ shoo akhbaar al-amal how’s work? (informal)
السلام عليكم as-salaam alaeikum peace be with you (formal goodbye)
مع السلامة ma’as-salaama bye (literally: with safety) (semi-formal)
بعدين ba’dein later (see you later) (informal)
فيما بعد fee maa ba’d after/in a while (informal)
من اين انت min ayna anta where are you from? (formal)
أنت من فين /وين anta min fein/wein where are you from? (informal)
ما الساعة mas-saa’a what time is it? (formal)
كم الساعة as-saa’at kam what time is it? (informal)
Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
ِمطار mataar airport
طيارة tayyaara airplane
ِوصول wusool arrival
مغادرة mughaadara departure
الجمارك al-majaarik customs
متاع mataa’ luggage
جواز سفر jawaaz as-safar passport
تاشيرة ta’sheera visa
تذكرة tazkira flight ticket
فندق funduq hotel
ِاستقبال istiqbaal reception
مفتاح miftaah key
غرفة ghurfa room
صراف sarraaf currency exchange
Asking Questions
Arabic Pronunciation Meaning
ما …؟ maa what is …?
من …؟ man who is …?
أين …؟ ayna where is …?
متى …؟ mataa when is …?
كم …؟ kam how much is …?
كم هذا .؟ kam haaza how much is this?
كيف …؟ keifa how… ?
لماذا ..؟ li maaza why ?
الساعة المحلية as-saa’al mahalliya the current time
At about 1,500 years old, Arabic also happens to be a very old language. It was the language of scholarship throughout the rule of the Islamic empires – a period of well over 1,000 years from the 7th century right down to the 19th and even 20th.
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